These are pictures of Losing A Whole Genearation, a video installation about the global connections to the opioid overdose crisis we premiered at the Salem Film Fest in 2018.
Tasmanian Poppy Teaser
A short teaser featuring footage of Tasmanian poppies shot on location by Scott Atkins, a cinematographer based in Launceston, Tasmania. This will be part of my PhD thesis video installation project.
Read Morelaredo, texas teaser
Cinematographer Shawn Gauvain of Apophis Films ( cut this short teaser featuring the footage we shot in Laredo, Texas on the US-Mexico border. Laredo will be a featured location in my PhD video installation on the overdose epidemic in New England
My Interview on Tasmania Country Hour Radio
I was interviewed about my PhD research on Tasmanian poppies for Tasmania Country Hour, an Australia Public radio program in Tasmania! Skip to 18:56
filming on location in tasmania, australia
Scott Atkins of Lusy Productions took this photo of me right before we filmed at the Annual Growers Meeting for the Tasmanian Poppy Industry
Ethnography with Paramedics in Salem, Massachusetts
Every Friday for nearly 3 months in summer 2016, I rode with paramedics in Salem, Massachusetts to conduct ethnography on the overdose crisis. I learned about how the epidemic is impacting paramedics who often respond to overdose calls multiple times a shift. This experience opened my eyes to the vital services first responders provide in the scariest moments of our lives.